Contributing to py3c

If you would like to contribute to py3c, be it code, documentation, suggestions, or anything else, please file an issue or send a pull request at the project’s Github page.

If you are not familiar with Github, or prefer not to use it, you can e-mail contributions to encukou at gmail dot com.


Automatic testing is set up at Travis CI:

Build status

To test the code locally, you can run (using GNU make):

$ make test

This will test py3c against python2 and python3. To test under a different interpreter, run for example:

$ make test-python35

Building the Docs

To build the docs, you need Sphinx. If it’s not in your system’s package manager, it can be installed with:

$ pip install --user sphinx

To build the HTML documentation, do:

$ make doc

For more docs options, run make in the doc directory.